Dr. Erica's New Program Is Everything You Need To Learn To Have  Orgasms, Solo Or With A Partner (Even If You've Never Had One Before)

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Join Today For Only $47 👏

When you join today you get access to everything below:

  • Live calls with Dr. Erica every other Tuesday at 6:15 PM Pacific

    This is the only place to get direct help from me outside of my private practice here in Los Angeles. Submit questions, get real-time guidance, and show up live (or catch the replays on your own time).

    On each Zoom call, you'll watch me deliver a brief live training and then we'll open it up for questions. You’ll receive examples, guidance and feedback to make each step of your journey a breeze.

  • Big O Masterclass Online Course

    The Big O Masterclass is an at-your-own-pace guided online program with everything you need to learn to have orgasms.

    You’ll develop a positive frame of mind about sex, pleasure and orgasms, learn how to turn yourself on, and know exactly what kind of stimulation you need in order to “get there.”

    You’ll experience much better sex and the power and confidence that comes with owning your own pleasure!

  • Best Relationship Ever Community

    You'll join a private group where you can start discussions and share ideas with other women who are on the same journey. Plus, there are regular check-ins to help you stay on track!

  • And more...
Click "Join Now" to join the Big O Masterclass Breakthrough today.

Imagine going from feeling like you’re missing out, self-conscious, or faking it to fully enjoying your experience and having all the pleasure you want and deserve.

Hi, I’m Dr. Erica Marchand.

I’m a licensed psychologist and sex therapist and I’ve helped lots of women in my private practice and online trainings to learn to have their first orgasms, easier and better orgasms, and orgasms with their partners.

And then (because why stop there?) to take the next step to having orgasms whenever they want, by themselves or with their partners.

I'm here to do my part for orgasm equality -- to help you have orgasms as often as you want. As often as your partner, or even more than that if you like.

I want to share with you everything I know -- that ALL women should know -- about women's orgasms!

Let me guess
 one of the biggest frustrations you face right now is that you’ve tried a bunch of stuff that hasn’t gotten you to the big O.

You feel like you’ve tried everything -- vibrators, lingerie, wine, “just relaxing,” maybe some, ah, adult entertainment... and nothing has worked.

And that is truly frustrating, but it gets even worse. Why?

Because maybe you’re thinking of giving up and accepting that you’ll never have an orgasm, or never have them regularly, or never have one with a partner.

Maybe you’ve heard that some women can and others can’t, and maybe you’re thinking you’re in the second camp.

Which, if you really are okay without orgasms, is fine! Not everyone wants to have one, and that’s okay.

But if you DO want to have one and you stop before that happens, you might never experience something that’s really important to you, something that you really want.

And, worst of all, if you want it and don’t give yourself the time and focus and opportunity to have one, you might miss out on something really wonderful.


But, Lucky for You and Me and Women Everywhere, There’s A Solution to the Problem! It’s Science.

But before we get into that, let me share a quick story with you

I was a college student at the University of Texas, and really really into my first boyfriend who was also my first sexual partner.


When we had sex, it was good and all, but I didn’t have an orgasm and I had no idea why.


I could have them on my own, so I was totally confused about why I wasn’t having one with him.

If I’m completely honest, I also felt a little shortchanged.

I wanted to be able to feel pleasure equal to what he was experiencing and to have a “complete” experience. To me, that meant having an orgasm.

So it felt unequal. And to make things worse, I felt like I was missing out on an important part of my relationship with him.


About a year later, that boyfriend and I broke up, without my ever having had the big O in his presence.


At that point I felt like I may never be able to have an orgasm with a partner which made me feel like my future sex life was doomed to frustration...

Then, something weird happened...

I had an orgasm with the next guy I dated. What?

While walking home from class the next day I started to think about why this happened.

Then, in an instant, it became crystal clear to me.

It wasn't how attracted to a guy I was or how much I liked or loved a guy that was stopping me from having an orgasm. It was what was going in on my own mind.


Sex therapists have this cheesy saying that the largest human sexual organ is the brain. But it’s true! It can make or break the experience.


So being the psychology major I was, I nerded out and researched as many books and articles as I could find about women’s orgasms that were based on actual scientific research.


I spent years reading and practicing the things those books and articles said to do.

I started to realize that there were 3 things that hold women back from having orgasms and that you needed all 3 together if you wanted to consistently have orgasms:

  1. Frame of mind, or mindset -- because your mind can either help you get turned on and enjoy sex, or totally get in your way and turn you off, like mine had been doing with my first boyfriend.
  1. Arousal -- orgasm generally happens naturally following high sexual arousal. So we have to know how to get turned on, and get comfortable with feeling aroused, in order to get there.
  1. And, Stimulation -- you need the right kind of stimulation for your particular body, and for the right amount of time, in order to have an orgasm. So you have to know what that is for you.

But, for me, there was still a problem

Research and reading alone wasn’t all I needed to know for sure this was going to work. I needed to apply my findings in the real world.

I practiced mastering these three things (Frame of Mind, Arousal & Stimulation) on myself. (And it worked! I’ve had a much better time in bed ever since.)


Fast forward to years later I started using this method with clients I was seeing in my office. Yep, it worked for them too.

I have amazing stories of women like Olivia* (*not her real name!) who overcame challenges like an early traumatic experience and anxiety about sex to have her first orgasm.

Building on that success, I decided to create a online training program with a step-by-step process that makes it simple to teach yourself to have orgasms whenever you want.

I call it the F.A.S.T. Orgasm Methodℱ.

   F = Frame of Mind

   A = Arousal

   S = Stimulation

   T = Together (with a partner, if you like ;)

With the F.A.S.T. Orgasm Methodℱ you can learn all the pieces necessary to have orgasms when you want to! (And why shouldn’t you? Life is short.)

And that's why I'm so excited to share this with you so you can have these breakthroughs too.

So, here's what I've got for you today

If you really want to make orgasm a regular part of your life, but can't figure out exactly where to start or how to make it work, here's what to do

Introducing... The Big O Masterclass Breakthrough

The Big O Masterclass Breakthrough Helps You:

  • Have your very first orgasm...
  • Have orgasms any time you want...
  • Have an orgasm with a partner...
  • Communicate with your partner about sex and pleasure

  • Relax and feel confident and comfortable in bed...

... and much, MUCH more!

And because I like it when things pay off... you'll start seeing results with The Big O Masterclass Breakthrough in just weeks, and you can get started for less than dinner and drinks for 2.

So again, if you're like me and want to have orgasms any time you want, understand this:

  • You can make progress on this more quickly than you ever thought possible.
  • This program is based on scientific research and has been tested in the real world.
  • It includes literally everything you need to know to learn to have orgasms; I’ve held nothing back.

So join me and the growing community of women who are prioritizing their own pleasure. See you there!

Dr. Erica Marchand

P.S. If you’re tired of doing without, if you want more (which is only what you deserve), and if you never want to fake another orgasm, The Big O Masterclass Breakthrough was designed for you... come on in!

Here’s what you get when you join the Big O Masterclass Breakthrough:

  • Live calls with Dr. Erica every other Tuesday at 6:15 PM Pacific  (valued at $1,164/year)
    This is the only place to get direct help from me outside of my private practice here in Los Angeles. Submit questions, get real-time guidance, and show up live (or catch the replays on your own time).

    On each Zoom call, you'll watch me deliver a brief live training and then we'll open it up for questions. You’ll receive examples, guidance and feedback to make each step of your journey a breeze.

  • Access to the Big O Masterclass (valued at $497)
    The Big O Masterclass is an at-your-own-pace guided online program with everything you need to learn to have orgasms.

    You’ll develop a positive frame of mind about sex, pleasure and orgasms, learn how to turn yourself on, and know exactly what kind of stimulation you need in order to “get there.”

    You’ll experience much better sex and the power and confidence that comes with owning your own pleasure!
  • Best Relationship Ever Community (valued at $497)
    You'll join a private group where you can start discussions and share ideas with other women who are on the same journey. Plus, there are regular check-ins to help you stay on track!
  • Free Bonus #1: Feel Great Naked 5-Day Challenge (valued at $79)
    Feel movie-star confident in your own skin! This 5-day challenge gives you tools and practices from the psychology of self-esteem, confidence, and body image, along with some good old self-care, so you can stop feeling self-critical or self-conscious and start loving the body you're in and enjoying your life, both in and out of the bedroom.
  • Free Bonus #2: Focus on Pleasure 3-Day Challenge (valued at $79)
    Block out the world so you can unlock maximum pleasure! Do you get distracted or find it hard to focus during sex? It's a common problem that can get in the way of arousal and orgasms. This challenge gives you techniques and exercises from mindfulness and sex therapy to learn to let go of distractions and focus in on pleasure so that you can enjoy amazing sex whenever you want to.
  • Free Bonus #3: What's Holding You Back From Orgasm 3-Day Challenge (valued at $79)
    Learn what's getting in the way of the big O so you can unlock all the pleasure you want. If you've had trouble with orgasms before, it can be hard to know why. This 3-day challenge provides an "accelerator and brakes" framework for understanding what's holding you back from orgasms and gets you thinking about what you might need to have them.
  • Free Bonus #4: Get Exactly What You Want In Bed (valued at $79)
    Takes you from feeling tongue-tied and unsatisfied to knowing exactly what to say to your partner to get exactly what you want in bed so you can start having amazing sex, without trying to guess your way to success or getting stuck in overwhelm.

Stop feeling like you’re missing out, feeling self-conscious, or faking it, and start fully enjoying your experience and having all the pleasure you want and deserve!

Total Value of Today's Offer: $2,474

Your Join Price Today: Only $47 👏

What Women Are Saying

I would definitely recommend this course to anyone who is not having orgasms...

Before taking the course, I was concerned that I wasn't having orgasms and everyone I talked to said I'd know it if I had one. I started seeing a psychologist that specializes in sex therapy and she suggested this course.

From the course videos, I learned ways to relax and not put pressure on myself. I would definitely recommend this course to anyone who is not having orgasms, especially due to past childhood experiences.

This course was very easy going and started with the basics on how to just get comfortable with your own naked body.

My husband enjoyed some of the videos too. I thought this would help him understand how female minds work and what we go through emotionally.

CINDY G.  //  Member Testimonial ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

My body is not broken! OMG! And now I know how to have orgasms and am able to whenever I want to!

I thought my body was broken, and I didn't know why. I never had orgasms before the Big O Masterclass, even within the context of a 41 year marriage. And although I really wanted to, I was so uptight about "making it work," that I couldn't. 

I had seen [specialists and counselors], tried using sex toys, sexy clothing and "how-to" books. [As a result of Dr. Erica’s method], I had an orgasm! My body is not broken! OMG! And now I know how to have orgasms and am able to whenever I want to! It’s amazing.

ANNE M.  //  Member Testimonial ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I even experienced orgasm for the very first time.

Before the Big O Masterclass I'd never had an orgasm before and I had difficulty sustaining pleasure throughout sex and masturbation.

I would tell myself that some women are wired for orgasm and others aren’t, and that I was firmly in the second camp. As a result of this course, I've been able to firmly dispel that troubling idea. 

Thanks to Dr. Erica’s lessons on focus, mindfulness, and sexual confidence & communication, I've been able to experience much greater presence of mind and pleasure during sex and masturbation -- I even experienced orgasm for the very first time.

I would recommend the Big O Masterclass wholeheartedly to anyone who has difficulty embracing sexual pleasure. Dr. Erica is able to understand and articulate so many of the causes for these problems as well as provide helpful potential strategies for addressing these issues.

ELAINE C.  //  Member Testimonial ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

How Does The Big O Masterclass Work?

An Overview Of The Lessons

The Big O Masterclass is an at-your-own-pace guided online program with everything you need to learn to have orgasms.

You’ll develop a positive frame of mind about sex, pleasure and orgasms, learn how to turn yourself on, and know exactly what kind of stimulation you need in order to “get there.”

You’ll experience much better sex and the power and confidence that comes with owning your own pleasure!

  1. 1
    Lesson 1 - Pleasure & Orgasms - We'll talk about why pleasure is essential to having an orgasm, why you might struggle with experiencing pleasure -- in particular sexual pleasure -- and how to become super comfortable with your own pleasure and take the first step toward having more orgasms.
  2. 2
    Lesson 2 - Past & Future Sex - We'll talk about why and how your experiences in the past affect your sexuality today, what to do about difficult past experiences so they don’t take over your sex life going forward, and how to identify what you want for your sexuality in the future so the past doesn't define you.
  3. 3
    Lesson 3 - Getting Turned On - We'll explore why getting turned on is essential to having an orgasm when you want to, and we'll talk about HOW to get turned on and enjoy the feeling of arousal and sexual excitement (and why that can be difficult). We’ll also identify some things that turn you on and how to get more of those things into your life.
  4. 4
    Lesson 4 - How Orgasm Happens - What IS an orgasm exactly? We'll learn that, plus whether there are different kinds of orgasms and what that means for you, we'll review the anatomy of pleasure and orgasm, and I'll introduce you to your "accelerator and brakes."
  5. 5
    Lesson 5 - Why Orgasm Doesn't Happen - Here we’ll go over some common reasons that orgasm doesn’t happen, and what might be getting in the way for you, and then I'll share my 3-step approach to removing or getting around barriers to orgasm.
  6. 6
    Lesson 6 - Physical Stimulation - Along with mental stimulation, you need the right physical stimulation for your body in order to have an orgasm. In this lesson we'll talk about types of physical stimulation to try, and how to explore and find the kinds of stimulation that can bring you to orgasm.
  7. 7
    Lesson 7 - Mental Stimulation - Mental stimulation is all the stuff that helps you get turned on. Since getting turned on is such an important part of having an orgasm, here we’re going to talk about some advanced skills for getting more pleasure and arousal in sexual situations and in everyday life.
  8. 8
    Lesson 8 - Expert Driving - This is where we’ll begin putting together everything you’ve learned so far about operating your "accelerator and brakes" for optimal pleasure and orgasmic experience.
  9. 9
    Lesson 9 - Sexual Communication - Want to have orgasms with your partner? This is 80% of it! We'll discuss why communication is so essential to good sex and orgasms in particular, why sexual communication can be difficult and what to do about it, and my “communication magic formula” for all occasions.
  10. 10
    Lesson 10 - Orgasm with a Partner, Parts 1 & 2 - In Part 1, you'll learn how adding a partner to the mix can change your accelerator / brakes balance, and how to adjust what you're doing so you can easily have orgasms with your partner. In Part 2, you’ll learn different ways of having an orgasm during intercourse.

DR. ERICA MARCHAND  //  Licensed Psychologist

I'm Dr. Erica Marchand, a licensed psychologist and sex therapist, and I've made it my mission to understand women's pleasure and orgasms better.

I have a private practice in Los Angeles where I work with individuals and couples on a wide variety of sexual concerns, including problems with orgasm.

I think everyone should have access to the latest and best information about sex and pleasure (because it's important!) so I want to share with you what I share with my clients.

Dr. Erica

What Women Are Saying

The course has opened up the lines of communication between my spouse and I and we both agree that sex is better now...

After having no difficulty having orgasms for many, many years, suddenly about 2 years ago, I stopped having them.

Initially, I made excuses why it wasn’t happening but after about 6 times and still no orgasm, I saw my family physician who referred me to a gynecologist who dealt with older women’s sexual health and gave me the name of a sex therapist. I saw them both.

The gynaecologist, after several appointments, referred me to a urologist who specializes in women with my difficulty. The urologist suggested that I might be interested in taking Dr. Erica’s course.

[As as result of] the course. I am now able to ask my spouse for things that I had never asked for during our married life. I was never able to do that before. When I became unable to have orgasms [...] I became so focused on achieving an orgasm that I wasn’t fully enjoying all the other pleasurable parts of the sexual experience.

The course has opened up the lines of communication between my spouse and I and we both agree that sex is better now than [before]. The course also seems to have had a ripple effect as once I started talking more openly, which I find hard to do, that continued into all areas of our life and as a result we've become much closer.

Who would I say this course is for? Although the course is about the big “O”, I struggle to identify what woman wouldn’t gain something from it, because it has changed so much for my spouse and I.

DANNIE M.  //  Member Testimonial ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I’d recommend this course to anyone who struggles with orgasm, desperately wants to overcome the struggle, and become more comfortable with their body and sexual pleasure.

I’m 25 and I’d never had an orgasm before on my own or with a partner. Before the course, I’d lightly bring up the issue in sporadic therapy sessions, but would never take the time to really focus on how concerned I actually was. I’d also occasionally use vibrators, but would find myself still getting impatient and not fully relaxing.

I used to hope that the “big O” would magically happen on its own. I started to reach this odd complacent-acceptance: maybe orgasms are just not for me. Obviously, not the right approach! Every woman deserves to feel pleasure and have orgasms!!

I’d recommend this course to anyone who struggles with orgasm, desperately wants to overcome the struggle, and become more comfortable with their body and sexual pleasure. 

It can be incredibly frustrating to be a woman who struggles with something that seems like it should be a no-brainer (thanks to media portrayal and whatnot). This course allows you to acknowledge that frustration, work through it, and conquer it.

This class was a great option and worth the investment- it’s incredibly extensive, well-paced, and thoughtful.

ALEXIA Z.  //  Member Testimonial ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I would recommend this course to anyone who has been unable to have an orgasm, has trouble having orgasms regularly...

I decided to take Dr. Erica’s Big O Masterclass because my ability to orgasm has been very limited. I was a late bloomer and didn’t have my first orgasm until my late 40s. I learned to orgasm with a vibrator, but only when I was alone and never with a partner. Before I took this course, I had given up on having an orgasm with my husband.

I came to feel that it just wasn’t meant to be, that only certain people were able to orgasm, and that I wasn’t one of them. Truthfully, I didn’t really know how to pleasure myself and couldn’t tell anyone what to do when I didn’t even know myself.

This course offers videos, worksheets, and instructions for Pleasure Sessions. Each component is well thought out and each new lesson builds on the previous one. The worksheets in particular were very helpful for me. They gave me the opportunity to reflect on negative messages I had carried with me since childhood and replace them with positive ones that are based in fact. This has allowed me to celebrate and enjoy my sexuality in a new and healthy way.

I would recommend this course to anyone who has been unable to have an orgasm, has trouble having orgasms regularly, or even to anyone who is interested in improving their understanding, acceptance and appreciation of their sexuality.

DENISE W.  //  Member Testimonial ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Here’s what you get when you join the Big O Masterclass Breakthrough:

  • Live calls with Dr. Erica every other Tuesday at 6:15 PM Pacific  (valued at $1,164/year)
    This is the only place to get direct help from me outside of my private practice here in Los Angeles. Submit questions, get real-time guidance, and show up live (or catch the replays on your own time).
    On each Zoom call, you'll watch me deliver a brief live training and then we'll open it up for questions. You’ll receive examples, guidance and feedback to make each step of your journey a breeze.

  • Access to the Big O Masterclass (valued at $497)
    Your step-by-step, guided, nothing-left-out program for having all the pleasure and orgasms you want.
  • Best Relationship Ever Community (valued at $497)
    You'll join a private group where you can start discussions and share ideas with other women who are on the same journey. Plus, there are regular check-ins to help you stay on track!
  • Free Bonus #1: Feel Great Naked 5-Day Challenge (valued at $79)
    Feel movie-star confident in your own skin! This 5-day challenge gives you tools and practices from the psychology of self-esteem, confidence, and body image, along with some good old self-care, so you can stop feeling self-critical or self-conscious and start loving the body you're in and enjoying your life, both in and out of the bedroom.
  • Free Bonus #2: Focus on Pleasure 3-Day Challenge (valued at $79)
    Block out the world so you can unlock maximum pleasure! Do you get distracted or find it hard to focus during sex? It's a common problem that can get in the way of arousal and orgasms. This challenge gives you techniques and exercises from mindfulness and sex therapy to learn to let go of distractions and focus in on pleasure so that you can enjoy amazing sex whenever you want to.
  • Free Bonus #3: What's Holding You Back From Orgasm 3-Day Challenge (valued at $79)
    Learn what's getting in the way of the big O so you can unlock all the pleasure you want. If you've had trouble with orgasms before, it can be hard to know why. This 3-day challenge provides an "accelerator and brakes" framework for understanding what's holding you back from orgasms and gets you thinking about what you might need to have them.
  • Free Bonus #4: Get Exactly What You Want In Bed (valued at $79)
    Takes you from feeling tongue-tied and unsatisfied to knowing exactly what to say to your partner to get exactly what you want in bed so you can start having amazing sex, without trying to guess your way to success or getting stuck in overwhelm.

Total Value of Today's Offer: $2,474

Your Join Price Today: Only $47 👏

Stop feeling like you’re missing out, feeling self-conscious, or faking it, and start fully enjoying your experience and having all the pleasure you want (and deserve)...

Secure Checkout


My Oh-Oh-Ohhh Yes You Will! 100% Risk-Free Money-Back Guarantee

You’re either fully satisfied and head-over-heels thrilled with your ability to have orgasms whenever you want from this course, or just let me know within 30 days for a full refund of the purchase price. You have nothing to lose and all the orgasms to gain!

Dr. Erica

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will it take to get through this program?

How do I get access?

Do I have to buy now?

How do I know if I am right for your program?

Will I be able to ask you questions if I get stuck?

© 2023, Her Therapy Secrets